Friday, October 26, 2018

Change & Me!!

Change is inevitable. Wether we plan for it or not it’s a fact of life that some embrace and some try to avoid altogether. For me change smells of “what if’s” and “what could be’s“. I like to think of it as if I dare to venture on a new journey what blessings may God have there and if I don’t dare to believe what miracles may I miss by sitting comfortably with my identity in tact and my dreams in the box? I have repeated a quote from my pastor many times, “When God puts a dream in your heart in HIS time he will bring it to completion. I’ve always loved that quote but I missed a little detail the first few times I heard it.  HIS time is a relative term for a God who time is no factor. While my successes and failures remain to be seen with every tic of the clock in my mind ,  he is sitting there calmly in the still of “knowing all”, as only he can. This is where my heart becomes weary. The changes we often pray for don’t always come in the form we would have chosen and suddenly all logic and control we never had is out the window as we slowly give in to the idea that there is a plan for each of us that we aren’t supposed to know about. In actuality we dream and work and we may not even really know what for because the God of the universe has a purpose that outweighs our earthly desires and motives. His  spirit so deeply within us that even as we aim to set goals he is hard at work for the kingdom that is to come. With every person he puts in our path, every door opened and every door slammed shut he orchestrated these moments in such a way that we will never be able to truly see until we come face to face with him. The unexpected changes such as, I’m expecting, was a huge pill to swallow. I’ve planned everything my whole life and I have never had to put my faith to test in this way before. I’m terrified, humbled, nauseated and for once out of “ my” own control which as my friend Lisa said, “you never had control”, and she is right. I’m learning to trust and know that our dreams pale in comparison to his plans.

I don’t know what you are waiting on , praying for or avoiding out of fear! I want you to know what God has shown me... Stop trying so hard to control the outcome and expect him to do what he said he would do. He will never leave you. Know that at this very moment you are where you were meant to be. You can’t mess up his plans for you. Even when we make mistakes the love of God covers us and our outcome is not based on our ability but his majesty. Give up your “ imaginary” control. Because that is indeed what the enemy uses to sit the weight of the world on your shoulders and sabotage your today! Today is all we have. Make it count.
